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Eco-Friendly Flooring Choices

As time goes by, it's becoming increasingly clear that the decisions we make have a major impact on the world around us. Plastic in the oceans, carbon in the air, and trash in the landfills, are all problems that can only be solved by a concerted effort by everyone to find ways to reduce our impact on the environment, to ensure a clean, livable world for generations to come. What better place to start than from the ground up?

There are tons of flooring materials out there to choose from, but some are not as environmentally friendly as others. So, in an effort to help you make a conscientious decision about your flooring, Metro Flooring has put together this quick guide to a few of the most eco-friendly flooring materials out there.

SmartStrand Silk Carpeting

Many carpets are made from completely artificial materials, many of which are environmentally detrimental to produce. SmartStrand? Silk carpeting, however, is made almost entirely out of highly renewable extruded corn. In fact, one gallon of gasoline is saved per 7 sq. yards of SmartStrand Silk carpeting, when compared to an equal amount of traditional nylon carpeting.

If you have your heart set on carpeting and want to be sure you are making the most eco-friendly choice, SmartStrand Silk is definitely your best option.

Cork Flooring

There is a lot more to cork than simply being a great material for pin-boards, or to keep a wine bottle sealed. These days, many people are turning to cork flooring for a number of attractive qualities, including its renewability and energy efficiency.

Cork comes from the bark of a tree, and doesn't require the tree to be cut down to harvest. In fact, it takes a cork tree about three years to be ready for harvest after each instance of harvesting. Compare that to the decades it can take for many hardwood species to be renewed for use.

In addition to its renewability, cork flooring offers excellent thermal insulation which can help further reduce your carbon footprint, by decreasing your energy usage and, thus, your energy costs.

Want to Learn More?

If you'd like to learn more about environmentally friendly flooring options, Metro Flooring would love to help! Simply call, email, or stop by our showroom in San Diego, CA, to chat with our team of experienced flooring experts. We'll help you find the best flooring to meet your budgetary, design and practical needs, in addition to addressing your environmental concerns.